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Geofencing for healthcare

7 Geofencing Tips for Healthcare Providers healthcare-provider-talking-with-patientGeofencing for healthcare

7 Geofencing Tips for Healthcare Providers

Geofencing tips for healthcare providers can boost patient engagement by delivering targeted ads after potential patients pass through specific areas. Learn how to promote preventative care, specialized services, and telehealth options with these 7 essential tips! Geofencing technology enables healthcare providers to track when potential patients pass through virtual boundaries…
Richard Blount II
October 7, 2024
Geofencing Applications in Healthcare Marketing doctors and nurse looking at a chartGeofencing for healthcare

Geofencing Applications in Healthcare Marketing

Geofencing is changing the way healthcare marketing works. Healthcare centers are not limited to advertising in the dark. Healthcare marketers can now target their advertising toward specific communities, neighborhoods, and even specific buildings!  This method, known as Geofence Advertising, is a game-changer for healthcare marketing. What is Geofencing? Geofencing uses…
Richard Blount II
July 1, 2024